Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Corner Violin Shop! You're 1 Year Old and Counting

It all started with my first entry on May 15, 2007. It's now been a little under two years since I've started working here and I've certainly learned a lot.

With a few weeks left at the shop and as I get ready to head off to architecture school, what does the future of the blog hold? Hopefully more bloggers to add! While I haven't discussed the details with Alex, I might be hired to write some entries about string trends on the net or business. For now, the immediate goal is to get our new employees to blog a bit about their daily shop (good luck if I'll ever get Matt or Maddy to blog on their own).

You've already met Matt and Maddy, informally from previous entries, but with the expansion of the business we've recruited Cassy johnsonas my new replacement. Like Maddy, Cassy is a graduating viola performance major from Hastings College but she also brings to the table a background in business administration (something this shop has desperately needed). Joining us for a short time this summer is intern Daniel Jacobsen. He has background in music as well (piano and violin) and is a communications major at Gustavus Adolphus College. Two fresh perspectives on what goes on here on a daily basis.

I'll need to get them setup with another blogger and twitter account. Still haven't quite decided how to transfer the current account (Corner Violin Shop) onto a new administrative account for either of the two new bloggers. I've looked for advice from other bloggers and they all seem to think WordPress might be a platform. Probably need to talk to our Argentinian friend Nestor.

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