Thursday, May 17, 2007

6 am in the morning

The shop officially opens at 11:00 a.m. but work starts early for Les this week. Les is a our aspiring in-house bow maker of trade. I'll post a more up-close interview of Les, assuming that he agrees, of what his typical day is like.

Ever since he got off of his last university class, he's been inspired to go all out. Every morning at 6:00, he's opened up shop and planes away at a new stick. He comes in early, because there's less disturbance of customers and a chance to get in some more hours of work. Typically it takes 40 hours of labor per bow. This week? He's managed to crank out 3 bows.

Meanwhile, I have the luxury of strolling in midmorning. The daily morning ritual consists of checking emails, fulfilling Amazon sales & eBay auctions overnight, packing, databasing, and managing the phones. Despite working in a workshop environment, office work inevitably finds its way into a violin shop. It's all tedious but someone's gotta do it!

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