hank [hangk]:
In the textile industry, a hank refers to a unit of yarn or twine that is in a coiled form. This is often the best form for use with hand looms, compared to the cone form needed for power looms. Hanks come in a fixed length depending on the type of material, so the term hank is sometimes used as a unit of measure. For instance, a hank of linen is 270 meters, and a hank of cotton or silk is 770 meters. In beads, 1 hank = 3.333 fathoms = 6.667 yards = 20 feet = 6096mm = 609.6cm = 6.096 meters.Fresh out of our usual stock of hair, Lester slashes open a new "hank" of horse hair for all our bow rehairing needs. Finding good horse hair for string instrument rehairs are hard to come by.Wikipedia.org (hank)
We use Mongolian Stalien Horse hair.
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